August Writing Roundup

Overall, a pretty varied month on the writing front. Newsletter subscribers will also know that in August, I was busy on other thought leadership fronts, namely podcasts, webinars, event planning and go-to-market strategy. Here are the writing highlights, and to get the newsletter, please sign up here.

What is Communications? The Rest of the Story,, Aug.  27

Voice - New and Improved, Thanks to AI, Unified Communications Magazine, Aug.22

How Blockchain Could Improve Collaboration, No Jitter, Aug. 20

Blockchain Futurist Conference, Toronto - Pix, Thoughts and Larry King, my blog, Aug. 16

What is the Difference Between UC Platforms and Apps?, TechTarget, Aug. 13

Google Duplex - What Businesses Really Need to Know,, Aug. 7

Which Way is Up with UC and Collaboration?, BCStrategies, Aug. 3