Next Speaking Slot - Locknote at the SCTC's Canadian Regional Group Event

May was my most go-go month ever, and it continues through early June. Next week, I'll be attending the Canadian Telecom Summit through Wednesday, then on Thursday, I'm the locknote speaker for the SCTC, of which I'm a member.

The event takes place just outside Toronto, and is being run by our CRG - Canadian Regional Group. It's a day-long event, and being titled 2017 Canadian Technology Outlook, we'll be covering a lot of ground.

We actually have a very strong agenda, and it's a great value, but is only open for SCTC members or non-members from the telecom/comms consulting community. If that's you, and would like to attend, here's the link for the event brochure with the full agenda and registration details.