My New Article - Tomorrow's UC - Nobody's Talking About Voice

As a long-standing UC Expert with UCStrategies, I contribute a monthly article to help keep our overall pool of content fresh. If you follow the UC/collaboration space, and you're not a regular on our portal, I strongly urge you to spend time with us. I'm just one of many analysts and consultants working in this market, and you won't find a better one-stop-shop for what's happening and what buyers out there need to make good decisions.

Along that path, my latest analysis is about where things are going, and if you're only thinking about replacing an aging phone system, you better read this now. The content on our portal is very much on the pulse of change, and in my article I've connected the dots for three separate ideas to clarify what I think is important right now. Things change quickly in this space, and next month, it might be something else, but for today, I hope you give this a read, and would love to hear your thoughts.