New Guest Post for Aizan - My Take on the EU AI Act

AI may be the most transformational technology we’ll see in our lifetimes, and I’m keenly interested in how we can strike a balance between the classic push-pull of innovation and regulation. We’ve been down this path before - notably VoIP - and the story with AI isn’t much different.

I recently wrote a guest post for Aizan Technologies on this topic, specifically for the EU AI Act, which was just put into law last month. The EU has taken the lead on developing a regulatory framework for today’s digital technologies, and the AI Act is the latest chapter.

There’s a lot to unpack here, and it should serve as a template for the US to follow, but that’s another - messy - topic for another time. That aside, I hope you give the article a read, and would love to hear your thoughts - here’s the link - and while you’re at it, feel free to check out the other articles on their site.

September Writing Roundup

September was fairly quiet on the writing front, but I was plenty busy working on client projects, lining up a busy October for conferences and speaking at events, and more fine tuning for my updated website. That's largely under control now, and I'll have a broader writing digest to share next month.

What are Practical Applications of Contact Center Analytics? - TechTarget, Sept. 28

What Businesses Can Learn from the TacoBot -, Sept. 28

Apple Business Chat - Tough to Beat on Messaging, Mobility and Brand - No Jitter, Sept. 26

How Device as a Service Makes it Easier to Have the Latest IP Phones -, Sept. 20

Three Ways How Collaboration Solutions are Disruptive -, Sept. 11

Habitat Soundscaping - a Fresh Take on Collaboration -, Sept. 8


My New White Paper - Real-Time Collaboration and Proactive Customer Service

Been plenty busy the past few months, and have just finished up white papers for two clients. One of them is CafeX, a contact center vendor I've been following for a while. They've developed some strong real-time applications with an analytics layer that can really help contact centers cope with today's CX requirements. 

The white paper is titled "The Value of Real-Time Collaboration and Analytics to Drive Proactive Customer Service", and was just launched yesterday. Here's the link to download it from their website, and if you do that, I'd love to hear your thoughts.

NextCon16 - Nextiva and Jumping Curves

I'll have more to say about jumping curves later, but wanted to share some quick highlights from NextCon16 so far. Gotta get back to sessions now, but there's more to come.

Now, THIS is how to kick off a big event like this. Yes, you might say Nextiva marches to the beat of a different drummer, and that's my take on this.

Now, THIS is how to kick off a big event like this. Yes, you might say Nextiva marches to the beat of a different drummer, and that's my take on this.

Always a treat - Guy Kawasaki. Great messaging about how to be innovative, why jumping curves is so important, and a bit about why Nextiva embodies the qualities he looks for in great companies. More on that to come.

Always a treat - Guy Kawasaki. Great messaging about how to be innovative, why jumping curves is so important, and a bit about why Nextiva embodies the qualities he looks for in great companies. More on that to come.

Not a great photo,  but best I could get -  Founder and CEO, Tomas Gorny - truly a serial entrepreneur, here sharing his vision for Nextiva and announcing their new NextOS platform. More on that to come as well.

Not a great photo,  but best I could get -  Founder and CEO, Tomas Gorny - truly a serial entrepreneur, here sharing his vision for Nextiva and announcing their new NextOS platform. More on that to come as well.

Ok, let's just get this out of the way now. Yes, it's damn nice out here, and I have no reason to complain about how chilly it gets once the sun goes down. I accept it - just comes with the territory being an analyst!

Ok, let's just get this out of the way now. Yes, it's damn nice out here, and I have no reason to complain about how chilly it gets once the sun goes down. I accept it - just comes with the territory being an analyst!

early morning hike before day 2 with the analysts and consultants - before the sun gets too hot!

early morning hike before day 2 with the analysts and consultants - before the sun gets too hot!