Channel Partners Event, Las Vegas - Quick Thoughts and Photos

I recently attended Enterprise Connect, and now I’m at Channel Partners in Las Vegas. No Covid yet, phew - it must be true, because I’m the only one wearing a mask here. Both events are produced by Informa Tech, and between these two, I sure am seeing the bigger picture in the communications technology space.

It’s pretty go-go here, and my next panel session is coming up, so I just have time to squeeze out a quick post. The following pix provide a flavor for the vibe here, and it’s very upbeat. These are good times for the channel - lots of new opportunity and businesses are spending. The show has never been bigger, so there’s a lot to see here.

That’s the silver lining, but there are dark clouds forming in the form of private equity. That’s really the big story at Channel Partners - seems like every sales organization here has been approached to sell. Consolidation is a big theme in my work these days, and things are really heating up here.

On one of the better sessions I’ve seen so far, the motif was that this space is in a struggle now for its soul - do you turn down the money to stay independent, or take the money and leave things to big capital? More to come on this topic, but it’s time to go, and I’ll leave you with some photos.

Welcome from Kelly Danziger and Bobby DeMarzo, M&A panel, Callie Field of T Mobile Business, CIO panel, Top 50 Channel Influencers (am in there - yay)