My Latest White Paper - RingCentral Video and Fixing the Meetings Milieu

This one has been a long time coming, but it’s finally public. As part of RingCentral’s recent launch of RingCentral Video, I was commissioned to produce white paper, mainly to explain the problem set around meetings, and the various ways video brings value to make them more effective.

My white paper was written earlier this year, and was finalized in late March, just around the official launch of RingCentral Video. I would have loved to tell my followers about it then, but it hasn’t been published until now. The good news is that RingCentral has made it a public document, just like all the other content posted to the Resources section of their website, so there’s no download or registration required.

If you’d like to read it, here’s the link to the Resources page, and just scroll down a ways, and you’ll find it, titled: Fixing the Meetings Miieu with a Video-First Digital Collaboration Experience. If for some reason, you can’t find it, drop me a line, and I can provide a copy.

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