December Newsletter and Podcast are Out

My December newsletter went out on Friday, and it recaps another busy month. It really hasn’t not been busy for all of 2020, and even for the past few days, I’m way behind on providing updates on new things I‘ve been up to. I’ll get caught up sharing all that shortly, and until then, for my subscribers, I hope you’re getting something good from the newsletter. For everyone else, it just takes a moment to subscribe to JAA’s Communications and Collaboration Review, and soon I’ll be adding an archive of earlier issues on my website.

Along with the newsletter, the latest edition of my Watch This Space podcast is now out, and the thumb below will give you a good idea of what we talked about. You can give it a listen here, and any day now, recent episodes - including transcripts - will be updated on the Podcasts section of my website.

DEC 2020 thumb_WTS.png