New JAA Content - Two Papers for ShoreTel

Been busy on several fronts, and ShoreTel is one of them. Last week was my well-attended webinar on how to choose the right deployment model for UC.

That webinar was based on my recently-completed white paper for them, titled "Cloud, Hybrid or Onsite: Assessing Deployment Options for UC."

From that, ShoreTel has also developed an e-book, titled "Find the Best Fit for Your Business". It doesn't have my JAA byline, but it's a snappier, condensed version of the paper for those who don't want to read the whole thing.

Both documents can be downloaded from ShoreTel's site - just need to complete a short registration page. Here are the direct links for both: white paper and e-book.

Let me know if any problems, and can provide PDFs if needed.