New Podcast with NICE - Fraud Detection Through Training and AI

I’ve recently completed another guest podcast with NICE, and their ongoing CX Pulse series.

Telecom fraud has been on my radar quite a lot lately, and this episode touches on how it impacts the contact center, along with how agent training and AI can help mitigate the threats.

This is a big topic for sure, so for a one-off podcast, it’s pretty high level, but hopefully this will start some important conversations about a topic nobody really likes talking about.

CX Pulse episodes aren’t searchable on NICE’s site, but having been recently published, mine is the most recent episode as of today, so it shouldn’t be hard to find, and then just click there to listen.

Another option - Apple Podcasts is one way to subscribe to CX Pulse, and they provide dedicated URLs for each episode - here’s the link for mine. Either way, I hope you check it out, and would love to hear your thoughts.