Next Virtual Event - SCTC's Regional Event for Canada, June 12

Virtual events come in all shapes and sizes, and here’s another example of an annual mini-conference that needs to be re-worked pandemic-style. In-person is what most people prefer, but Plan B has now become Plan A, and it’s better than having no event at all.

I’m the only analyst actively involved with the SCTC, and I’ve become a regular for their events, especially the Canadian versions, where our numbers are pretty small. That said, we play nicely, and we make the most of the community that’s here. Actually, this event has a broader scope, as it includes the Great Lakes region, so it’s also there to suppport members in several states near the border.

Our events are mainly for SCTC members, but also the broader consultant community that works with communications technologies - whom we’d love to have more of as members! Being a virtual event, it’s open to a broader audience, and details will be posted today - here in the Calendar section of the SCTC website.

We have a Call For Speakers out now, and that closes next week, and the event itself will be on Friday, June 12, running from 3pm ET til 6. We’re having two one-hour panel talks - I’ll be on one of them - and then a virtual cocktail hour at 5 to round out the event and the week. Hope to “see” you there.

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