New Guest Post with Smarsh - New Value with Voice for FinServ

Since our paths crossed at Enterprise Connect 2020, I’ve been building a rapport with Smarsh, a very interesting company mostly in the financial services space, but also other sectors that are highly regulated. Their forte is helping companies better manage electronic communications in a landscape where the technologies are changing quickly, and the regulations are getting harder to comply with. Lots of challenges there for IT, as well as compliance folks, and it touches on the collaboration space in many ways.

Smarsh provides lots of great resources to help educate the market about these challenges, and I just completed my first guest blog post for them, and it was just published on their Blog a few days ago. I hope you give it a read - here’s the link - and if you like their content, you can subscribe to their Blog. We’re talking about doing more posts, so stay tuned, and I’ll update you when the next one is running.

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